Community Input
The Rio Fernando de Taos Revitalization Collaborative is seeking community input via its Community Survey, facilitated walking tours of the river, and through an interactive map. Make your voice heard by participating below.
Community Survey
All residents of the Taos area are encouraged to participate, regardless of their knowledge of or relationship to the river. Survey results will be used to understand the community's engagement with the Rio Fernando and their interest in revitalization of the river.
To request a paper copy of this survey, or to complete a survey over the phone, please contact RFdTCollaborative@gmail.com or call coordinator, Flor Serna, at 505-850-7578.
Interactive Map
The goal of this project is to learn about community ideas and concerns related to the Rio Fernando de Taos urban corridor, from Divisadero Trailhead to Paseo del Pueblo Sur. We hope to bring this section back to its full health by installing low impact green infrastructure and possible amenities for people to better connect with the Rio Fernando.
Map Instructions:
1. Click the interactive map using the button above. You will see a home screen for the website. Click next to see the interactive map.
2. On the interactive map, you can add comments from the left onto the map. Select which pin you’d like to add and then click on the map where to place it. The four types of comments are:
a. Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) – such as a bioswale, riparian buffer, etc.
b. Amenities – such as a path, lighting, benches, etc.
c. Something That Concerns Me – such as erosion, fast drivers, trash in stream, etc.
d. Something That I Like – such as shade, viewpoint of the river, banks with vegetation, etc.
3. A box will pop up for you to add comments once you’ve placed the pin. Please add your details here.
4. Add as many comments/pins as you like! Once you’re done, hit the right arrow below the pins.
5. On the final page, you can add any other comments about the Rio Fernando urban corridor.