You are invited to join us for this informative, on-site demonstration workshop that will be useful for anyone wishing to keep their land in production or to restore land that is currently fallow. We will provide valuable tools for you to take home and apply on your own land!
From Fallow to Pollinator Habitat:Part 1: Restoring and healing the land with Keyline design and cover cropThursday March 26, 2020 12:30pm-3:30pm 13 Callejon Nambe, NM 87506
Workshop Fee: Free, light snacks provided

Join us for a hands-on, Keyline design workshop with Gordon Tooley of Tooley’s Trees, Adrienne Rosenberg of Woven Web Design and NMAA Staff to convert a fallow piece of land into a flourishing pollinator habitat that produces subsistence-agriculture products.
Keyline design (retains water, supports habitat, and increases soil health) will be coupled with no-till seed drilling of cover crops.
Two future workshops in this series will focus on planting perennials for pollinators and achieving the agricultural tax status while securing water rights.
You will leave this workshop ready to apply lessons learned to your own land. Novice and skilled land managers welcome!
Please bring a hat and water bottle and consider carpooling due to limited parking
For more info: serafina@lasacequias or call 505-995-9644
Registration: (Limited to 35)
Co-sponsor: Pojoaque Valley Regional Acequia Associatio