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Lazos Verdes: A Tour of the Rio Fernando Watershed, Parts 2 and 3

You are invited!

Thursday, April 8th, 5-630pm

Lazos Verdes: A Tour of the Rio Fernando Watershed - Parts 2 and 3.

Join the Rio Fernando Collaborative for the world premiere of parts 2 and 3 - a tour of the Taos’ Rio Fernando Watershed. After showing the film, we will engage in a 30-45 minute discussion and question and answer session on issues facing these sections of the watershed including road building, roadway pollution, septic tanks, dog waste, acequias, and restoration work.

Discussion panel guests include: Judy Torres and Vicente Fernandez of the Taos Valley Acequia Association, Candyce O'Donnell of the Taos County Commission, Fritz Hahn of the Taos Town Council and Shannon Romeling of Amigos Bravos.

Join us on Zoom or on Facebook live.

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